Our Lab & Library
Our Library
Our library is very enriching and has a variety of books. Every effort has been made to provide exclusive books, encyclopedias and other text material apart from text books. It is conducive in developing reading atmosphere where reading skills are prompted by mass reading. We also provide books to the students for their long term use up to a period of fortnight.The availability of newspapers, charts and posters and competitive books add to the already existing treasure of books.
Science Laboratories
We have exclusive labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology with fully equipped apparatus and reagents, charts and posters.Since learning by doing is the best method to learn, so we keep our labs updated.
Computer Labs
It provides is a platform where students explore their potential to exhibit their technological skills, where expert subject teachers assist. The computers available in the lab are latest in configuration.
Physical Fitness
As we know “स्वस्थ शरीर में ही स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क का निवास होता है”. We are committed to inculcate healthy life style focusing on sports activities, athletic events and yoga etc. It helps to maintain good health and growth of students. Each day starts with Yoga Session followed by organized team events during daytime.